20th Kulpsville SWL Winterfest

Between March 8th and 10th, 2007 some 170 people gathered at Kulpsville, Pennsylvania near Philadelphia in the United States for an annual conclave of shortwave listeners or “SWLs”. This was a special event, because it was the 20th time the Winterfest had been held. To mark this special event, there was an especially large number of technical forums offered, and the Fest was extended by a full day.

The organizers of what is described as the largest gathering of shortwave listeners in the world are two shortwave veterans: Richard Cuff and John Figliozzi. In a Skype conference call with The Two Bobs (Bob Thomann and Bob Zanotti), they were joined by former Radio Canada and Radio Japan broadcaster, Ian McFarland, who was also in attendance.

(Also check Kulpsville 2006)

