Margo Kirtikar RIP

Portrait picture of Margo Kirtikar

Margo Kirtikar PhD, spiritual coach and prolific writer on the metaphysical, has passed into what she referred to as “The 5th Dimension”. Or as she titled it in her last book “Our Next Stop After Death – The Astral World”, which was published just weeks before her death. She was 82 and had lived a full and active life.

Margo had been suffering from terminal cancer for several years. When the agony became unbearable, she decided to end her own life with the aid of an organization called Exit, which provides a medically-assisted suicide service, which is legal in Switzerland.

On November 15th, 2021 – exactly one month before her passing – Margo Kirtikar spoke candidly with Bob Zanotti about her last book and her view of the hereafter.

Incidentally, animal lovers will be happy to know that Margo believed that animals also transition to the 5th Dimension, just as we do.

Margo Kirtikar’s books, including her last one, are available through Amazon. There are earlier talks with Margo under Features (New Age) and Interesting People.